So what is salvation?
“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

- God’s grace
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ
- The Word of God
- Belief in Jesus
- Faith in God
Many of the verses I cited last week made mention of healing and salvation. One of the perils of not possessing a broader understanding of Scripture is receiving any single verse as being a complete answer.
So let’s get back to the grace of God.

In a previous post called Why does God allow suffering, I pointed out that mankind is inherently sinful (Romans 5:12; 1 John 1:18). We are fallen, and the world is fallen. Sin is our default position. And there are plenty of human examples of blatant and willful sinfulness.
Sin is the opposite of holiness. God, if you will, embodies holiness. That is – holiness is His nature (Leviticus 19:2; Isaiah 6:3; Revelation 4:8). Therefore, since sin and holiness are opposites, sin and God are also opposites and cannot occupy the same space.
- light and darkness
- wet and dry
- hot and cold
- in and out
- up and down
- black and white
- delicious and healthy
If you are still awake, then consider this: as God is holy and mankind is sinful, then God and a sinful human cannot, in these two states, occupy the same space.
As sin can be defined as the opposite of holiness and, therefore, opposed to God, sin is separate from God. As mankind is inherently sinful, we cannot be in God’s presence in a state of sinfulness. We are naturally separate from God and have been since the fall.
Mankind does not “deserve” to be in God’s presence.
Since God is eternal, then our ongoing conditions – be they with or without God – are also eternal. So, we either have eternal life in heaven with God’s presence, or we have eternal death in hell without it.
Nothing can change its own nature. This is also true of mankind. Mankind cannot choose to be holy or righteous. We cannot save ourselves.
God, however, can impart righteousness to us.

The way God imparted His righteousness to us, is by dying for us. This is what is referred to as the atonement.
Since God could not die, He became human (John 1:1, 1:14). He came to earth as the person of Jesus, the Son of God, but in human form, so that He could be killed.
Jesus voluntarily allowed Himself to be killed. Like the unblemished animal sacrifices of the Old Testament, Jesus was the unblemished sacrifice to God. God sacrificed His Son to Himself.
Jesus, being God as well as human, was (and remains) perfect. This perfect, unfallen, holy human being became the ultimate sacrifice — the only sacrifice capable of satisfying God’s wrath resulting from sin — once and for all, and because of that sacrifice, mankind could be forgiven. This is called the Gospel, which means ‘good news.’ The fact that this happened, combined with the fact that we have faith that it happened and accept this forgiveness, is called salvation. Being saved means that we can be in God’s presence, and that is why God did it.
We can be in God’s presence now and for all eternity. Having God’s forgiveness of our sins is necessary because one day, Jesus will come back, and all sin will be burned up. If we accept God’s forgiveness of our sins, we will not be burned up.
So, we do not choose to accept God’s forgiveness in order to go to heaven. We go to heaven, in part, because we accepted God’s forgiveness.
Jesus did not deserve to die for our sins; we did.
“but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
(Romans 5:8)
I said that because of Christ’s sacrifice, we “could” be forgiven. That is because this forgiveness was not forced on us. The second half of a verse I quoted above from Ephesians 2 said that we are saved by grace…through faith.
This just means that if we do not believe in (and accept) God or Jesus or what either of them did for us, then we are not saved. We have not “received” forgiveness. We have not “accepted” Jesus, or “come to Christ.”
I want to clarify here that it is the act, God’s act, that saved us.

So it is through faith that we are able to realize and accept that by God’s grace, we experience salvation.
And this faith – as the verse continues – is not something great, or reasonable, or responsible that we did. We did not do it. God did that too. That faith, like God’s grace, is also a gift from God. So we can’t even take credit for (and boast about) that. About all we “can” do is consider ourselves blessed.
If you have recited the sinner’s prayer before, be not afraid. It does not now mean that you are not saved. If you are here, I pray it is because you now have faith in Jesus. And you were already saved before you ever recited that prayer.
You are not saved because you chose to go to heaven. You are not saved because you apologized to God. And you are not saved because you told Jesus, “come on over, you are welcome into my heart.”
He was there before you ever conceived of it.
Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.