Comment Policy

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I highly encourage comments. So please, join the conversation. Include a link to your site. Disagree if you want to. Ask a question. Interact with others.

When you comment, here are a few guidelines I’d love for you to follow.

My Comment Policy and Guidelines:

  1. You are 100% responsible for your comment. It represents you and your opinion.
  2. You “Hold Harmless” this blog and any blog authors from any and all repercussions, damages, and liabilities.
  3. I reserve the right to moderate, delete, or change any content within a comment as I see fit at any time for no reason. I rarely do this but I do reserve the right.
  4. Names – I’d prefer that you use your real name, but this is not required.
  5. URL – Please use a legitimate and operating URL that you control specifically.
  6. Email – Please use a working email address as I may want to contact you directly. I will not share your email address with anyone.
  7. Please refrain from foul language or personal attacks.
  8. Please do not put affiliate links in your comments and please limit the number of links in your comment to no more than two.
  9. Though I try to respond to all comments, I cannot guarantee that I will do so.
  10. Don’t spam. I use Akismet to help me with this.
  11. Your comment might accidentally end up in spam or be held for moderation. I check my spam folder regularly, and will try to approve your comment as quickly as possible. If your comment does not get posted, and you think it got held in moderation, feel free to contact me and let me know.
  12. You grant me license to use your comment in blog posts, written material, and any other form of publishing.
Thanks for reading this comment policy!

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