Should I actually read the whole Bible?
Early on in my Christian walk, I considered whether or not I should actually read the whole Bible. I found many different answers to this question. In typical “Saved for Later” style, I researched these answers. This week, I wanted to share with you what I learned....
Praise God, my daughter is saved!
I just saw my daughter get baptized this past weekend. There is a sentence I never thought I would write. Praise God, my daughter is saved! This week’s article is personal…welcome. In 2012, I was saved. I was 42 years old. At the time, my daughter was twelve and did...
Bible heroes
Before I read the Bible for the first time, I knew there were many Bible heroes. What I did not know was what made them Bible heroes. Would you believe that every hero in the Bible had one thing in common? I was 43 years old before finishing my first reading. There...